Help! Is Your Stress Level is 15 out of 10? Now what?

Hello my Hope-Full Friend!

How is your stress level right now? What would you rate it on a 1-10 scale? If you are like most people, you are living in a chronic state of stress.

I presented at a conference this past weekend, and as I was preparing my PowerPoint presentation I was a little stressed because I wanted to get it right—plus I kept getting interrupted by little things: a phone call (which added to my stress), Nathan needing something, other children coming in and going out and needing something, getting dinner ready, and my husband getting home from a trip. Motherhood can be stressful.

I don’t know about you, but when I have a million things to do, my stress often feels magnified and I am less happy….and I don’t want to live that way. I have learned a few hacks to help me when my stress level is high that I’d love to share with you today:

Resources for Stressful Times

Recently I discovered Dr. Teal’s Epsom Salt Soaks with amazing essential oil blends. My favorite scents so far are, “Ginger & Clay,” as well as the “Lavander.” But I just bought a few more scents to try yesterday. Even though I have never been one to soak in the tub, with the yummy scents and the calming effects of magnesium in the Epsom Salt Soaks I find myself craving a soak in the tub because it totally relaxes me. Goodbye stress! (Just be sure to lock the door so you don’t get interrupted;).

So, whether you try meditation, soaking in a tub, prayer, journaling or talking you challenges out with a friend, remember to try something to lower your stress. You are worth taking care of. You are a child of God and He wants you to succeed and be at peace.

Remember the words of the Savior, “My peace I give unto you. . . Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27. If God is with you, you can get through anything.

And a few extra stress-relief hacks to take care of yourself when you are stressed out will help too!

Hope on!


Tamara Anderson