How to Approach the Holidays with Less Stress

Hello my Hope-full Friends!

I can’t believe it is November already and we are heading into the holidays! How is your stress level? Are you doing okay?

Are you dreading the increased stress? Shopping? Togetherness or the lack of togetherness?

Would you like some tips to help you navigate the holidays in a more balanced and less-stressful way?

You will love the resources I have to share with you today.

Resources to Navigate Holidays with Less Stress

But most of all, as we enter this season where we reflect on gratitude, I hope you will remember to find gratitude. As Dr. Olpin shared during his interview, “Thankfulness seems to work every time to prevent [stress].”

One of my favorite Bible verses about gratitude is, “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise. Be thankful unto him and bless his name” (Psalm 100:4). Remember God during these times with a grateful heart.

So, if you need more blessings and less stress, employ the tool of gratitude.

God loves you and will help you navigate your holiday craziness with help and peace.

Hope on!


Tamara Anderson