Does Jesus Weep With Me?

Hello my Hope-full friend,

A few weeks ago I was talking to my daughter and she said one of her favorite short verses in the Bible is, “Jesus wept.” When I asked her why she simply told me because it shows that even as a God He could feel and relate to us when we have sorrow and grief.

I spent the next few weeks pondering that very short verse and considering what I knew about Jesus when I am weeping. I thought about several instances in my life when I had truly been at rock bottom—grieving, weeping and completely crushed before God.

Anyway, I learned few things:

Resources for Teary Times

  • I have found new insights into the "Jesus wept” verse since that day where my daughter talked to me. Here I dive into the story where Jesus weeps with Mary and Martha before he brings Lazarus back from the dead. Listen to it here: Where is God When I'm Weeping? You can watch it on YouTube here.

  • Paul wept on his closet floor when he found out his son had Down Syndrome, but little did he know that baby would help him grow and see God more clearly in his own life. Listen to Paul share the change that happened in him after weeping here: Paul Taylor: How is God in the Details of our Lives? You can watch it on YouTube here.

  • Here I dive into a very heartfelt experience where Nathan was up crying most of the night and after trying everything I could I wept to God. Afterwards I had a pivotal moment where God taught me an important lesson. You can read the story on my blog here: God Where are You? The Night Angels Consoled My Weeping.

  • Have you ever heard me tell the story that started my whole journey into writing and podcasting? It started with me weeping one night to God wondering why I had two children with autism? I sobbed “why can’t we have a normal family?” (Life was really hard at the time). Here I share that story and what God whispered to me while I was weeping that totally changed my perspective, 4 Surefire Steps to Solve Life's Problems.

Remember God sees you when you are weeping. He knows you and loves you. Trust that though your “weeping may endure for the night, joy cometh in the morning,” (Psalm 30:5).

Remember that Mary and Martha wept, Joseph wept, Hannah wept, David wept and Jesus wept. You aren’t alone when you weep.

Hang in there and Hope on!


Tamara Anderson