Change: My Daughter Left for College This Week!

Hello my Hope-Full friends!

Have you ever had a big change happen to you or a family member? What if this change effected you dramatically? I took my youngest child up to college this past week and my mama heart has been swinging back and forth with all of the change—elation and excitement for her. Sorrow for me—because it is always harder to be left behind.

I don’t know about you, but often change is hard for me.

But interestingly, the older I get, the more flexible I have become with change.

You may wonder—why is that?


I used to be rigid and so resistant to things that changed in my life, but after living with children with autism for over two decades I have become more flexible, more full of faith and hope that no matter what God will get me through.

Resources to Develop Flexibility & Faith

No matter where you are or what life changes you or a loved one are facing, remember God is there with you. He loves you perfectly and will help you learn to be more flexible as life throws changes your way.

Jesus said, "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you” (John 14:18).

So, hang in there one more day. You too can life’s roller-coaster changes with faith and flexibility with God’s help—just like I can get through the emotion and change of sending my cute daughter up to school. (Thank goodness for FaceTime;)—I just had to learn to be more flexible in how we chat.

Hope on!


Tamara Anderson