A Raw Story About a BIG Change

Hello my Hope-Full friend!

Have you ever had an answer to prayer shock you?

A few months ago I felt like I was hitting a huge wall every time I was editing a podcast. Like I seriously felt physically ill. 

It took me a couple of months of what felt like pushing against a giant boulder until I finally asked God the right question:

What is stopping my progress?

And then things got interesting because the answer I got surprised me.

God told me it was time to be done with the Stories of Hope in Hard Times podcast. 

Excuse me God, What??????

I cried.

That was not the answer I expected. I didn’t think after over four years of interviewing people and editing and sharing podcasts that it would be time to be done.

What do you do when you have a big change happening? Here are a few tips to get both me and you through:

Resources for Change

So, whether you feel you progress is being stopped by God or by fear, or if you are experiencing changes in your life that you don’t know how to handle—know that God loves you and is aware of you. He will guide you to find the right solution for you with your unique challenges, just like he guided me.

And that doesn’t mean that I’m suddenly walking the sunshiny path knowing exactly what I’m supposed to do. No. I’m walking one stop at a time and often stepping into the darkness because that is how faith works.

But the good news is God can see the end of my path and He knows exactly where I’m going. So, I’m going to keep walking and trusting in Him. He hasn’t let me down yet (even though I’ve climbed some pretty rocky mountains in life and gone through some muddy bogs as well.)

God lives and He loves you! I know He’ll answer your prayers too!

Hope on!


Tamara Anderson