RE: Can the Power Pose Help Move Through. . .

RE: Can the Power Pose Help Move Through. . . 

Hello my Hope-Full friend!

Have you ever tried a power pose to get you out of a slump?

The past few weeks I have been processing the big change in my life—that of finishing my podcast, as God told me, and moving toward my new future goals: Starting my women’s group, Women Warriors of Light.

I will admit there has been grief in leaving behind something that has come to mean so much to me, but I’ve also been battling fear. I’ve never started a women’s group before and it is a little scare to thing about all the details involved in this big decision.

So, I pulled out a quick Tony Robbins motivation I recorded on my phone when I did an online conference last year. In this recording I followed his instructions and did the power pose—you know the one Superman or Wonder Woman does, where you stand straight and tall with your shoulders back and your hands on your hips. Then you take deep, full breaths. Next you begin making powerful movements, like punching the air and vocalizing, "Yes!”

Did you know that if you do this pose for two minutes there are physiological benefits:

  • Testosterone will increase 20%

  • Cortisol (stress hormone) drops 20%

  • Risk Tolerance improves 33%

Sometimes when we go through trauma or are processing change we need to do something to move us through, up and out of being stagnant. I’ve been praying, reading my scriptures, and asking God to show me what to do—what will get me over this hump and moving toward my next big goal.

And the inspiration that came was the power pose. 

God knows our brains and our bodies are connected and as I move physically I can begin moving my brain through the processing and forward through the  fear, the unknown and towards growth. 

So after my two minutes of power pose and yelling yes, I stayed standing and wrote two goals for the day that would powerfully move me forward. Then I worked really hard and accomplished those goals.

So, if you’re stuck and want to move forward, say a prayer, do a power pose and make a change.

Try it an let me know what you think!

Other Resources While Working Through Change

Let’s wrap this up with a motivational verse from Joshua 1:9, in the Old Testament.

“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

I love this verse. It is just saying, “Be strong. Be courageous. Don’t be afraid. God’s got your back.” And God does. He totally has your back.

God loves you. He doesn’t want you to stay stuck. Move forward through change. 


PS—Want to help me out as I start my Women Warriors of Light group where I will inspire and motivate women to become God -strong through their challenges? Message me.

Tamara Anderson