Whats the Weather like today?

I have a few "weathermen" in my home that keep me up to date on what the weather is going to be today or tomorrow.  Not only do they keep me aware of the weather in our town, but also in Mesa, Arizona (where my family lives) and California (where my husband's family lives) and a few other choice spots.

One of my "weathermen" is Jacob, my 12-year-old with high-functioning autism.  I can ask him any morning what the weather will be and (with the help of his weather app) he will give me the run-down on what the temperature currently is and what it will get up to.  Of course, he has been wearing shorts to school lately because he thinks it is getting so "warm."

I agree that it has been warm, but you won't see me in shorts until we are in the 80s or 90s.  Maybe someday my blood will thicken enough for me to think that I can wear shorts in 65 degree weather or maybe I will always be a Utah, cold-weather wimp!
