Seeing Through Different Eyes:)

I had LASIK done on Wednesday, and I must confess that last night I had the thought to take my contacts out about 50 times before I went to bed...but there were no contacts to take out.

I honestly thought I was too old to consider having LASIK done, but I saw that my friend, Lisa Higbee, had it done and I decided that if she could do it, I could too.  I am dealing with eye dryness, but I can see pretty well.  Yesterday at my follow-up exam I could see 20/20 in my left eye, right was 20/30-20/40 but I had some pretty bad light sensitivity.  Today, I am feeling much better, and don't have as much light sensitivity.  Sometimes I am still a little blurry, but my Dr told me that is due to my eyes being dry...and so I don't go too far from my eye drops.

I'm telling you, it is pretty amazing to me that there is technology out there to help fix eyes.  I'm thankful for good Doctors--Shout out to Hoopes Vision for taking great care of me!  I am also thankful for the support of my husband, family and friends!
