Running the Race Firm Unto the End

In junior high, they timed us as we ran a mile in PE. You had to complete it within a certain amount of time to win the Presidential Fitness Award.

Well, I have never been a runner but I wanted that award! I remember running with determination the mile route by our junior high through the thick canopy of trees that are so ever present in Virginia. I was resolved to finish that race within the time limit even though I had a stitch in my side. Gasping for air I crossed the finish line--and won the award.

I hope I have the same resolute determination to finish my race of life "firm unto the end." The prize of eternal life is so much better than the Presidential Fitness Award.

Why is it so hard to stay firm when life is hard? Do we forget why we are running? Do we get distracted by the stitch in our side and how much we are gasping for air? I know I do.

The key is remembering. When we remember God and what glorious blessings He has in store for us. "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9.

So, when your trials are heavy and you are gasping for breath--remember Him. Keep your eye on the prize, the hope of the eternities and stay firm like Jesus. For surely He stayed firm--even when He bled at every pore and was on the cross.

He stayed firm, all alone, so He could be with us while we run our race.

Rejoice in this hope, and stay firm. Be true to Him as He is true to you. Be Firm, undaunted, steadfast, and hopeful.

#hope #stayfirm #dontgiveup #runtherace #race #life #hardtimes #JesusChrist #God #bibleverse #tamarakanderson

Tamara Anderson