Richard Paul Evans' Premier Author Training

I was humbled to be able to participate in Richard Paul Evans' Premier Author Training (PAT) this weekend. It was an experience I will never forget! He is indeed kind, and is a powerful speaker and motivator. I am so thankful for all that he taught us. It was a bit like drinking out of a firehose, because Richard Paul Evans has had years of experience he wanted to share with us in just a few days. But is was awesome!As many of you know, I have been working on writing and editing my book Normal For Me for the past few years. I knew I needed to move forward in this arena, but all the different opinions online seemed to point me in different directions as to how to proceed. I feel like I came into Richard Paul Evans PAT as a “toddler" in my knowledge of publishing. This had me feeling as though I was looking up at a giant mountain, overwhelmed about where to start or even how to navigate my uphill climb. This training not only showed me the map for the trail to traverse this publishing mountain, but it gave me a network of friends and professionals to journey with. I am no longer alone as I climb step by step up my mountain of writing and publishing. Was it worth it? Yes! A million times over—YES. For now I know the path that I need to trod, and I have a map to follow. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Richard Paul Evans. You are an answer to prayer, because I had been praying to know what I should do and how I should proceed.I no longer feel intimidated by the journey in front of me—only empowered to go forward and write my life’s work.