Multi-Tasker Moms: Mamas Wear a Lot of Hats

Mamas wear many hats during the day--and that seems to incrementally grow during the summer. Today here are some of the hats that I wore:
  • I was a gardener: I was weeding while waiting for Nathan's bus.
  • A merit badge helper: I helped Jacob work on his Space Exploration Merit Badge.
  • An Organizer: I helped clean out a closet and a packing helper for my son who is leaving soon.
  • A fixer extraordinaire: Nathan broke the toilet paper holder and so I had to fix it.
  • A cook: Someone has to keep all these teenagers fed and happy.
  • A shoulder to cry on: Did you know teenage boys can be hormonal too?
  • A dish washer: When you cook you gotta clean.
  • A taxi driver: Mom, can you take me to my friend's house? Yup!

I'm sure there is something I'm forgetting. Kudos to all women (and men) who wear lots of hats to help raise the rising generation!

What are some of the hats you have worn today?