Autism: The Last Bike Ride of the Summer

As I rode behind Nathan this morning on our last bike ride before school starts I felt a little sad. I will miss our morning rides together.
Nathan doesn't talk to me or tell me about his plans or communicate much during our bike rides or walks because of his autism, but I've enjoyed being with him.
It took some doing to help him learn how to ride a bike and then incorporate biking into our morning routine, but he has gotten better at it every day. Practice makes perfect. These kiddos on the autism spectrum can do amazing things.
I guess I am sad for the summer to end and for school to begin again. I didn't used to feel this way when my kids were younger. I couldn't wait for them to go back to school--but now that they are older, I almost wish they didn't have to go. Sigh!
Another year--here we go!