Is Your Faith on Shaky Ground?

Hello my Hope-full friend,

Have you ever felt an earthquake? I remember vividly awakening to an earthquake when we lived in southern California over 20 years ago. It frightened me even though it wasn’t very big or very long. (My husband actually slept straight through it;). One moment I was fast asleep on solid ground and the next I was very afraid this might be the “big one” that broke California right off the coast.

Why is life sometimes like that? There are days when life and faith seem solid and secure—founded on a rock. And then all of a sudden something happens that makes you wonder--Am I founded on the rock of Christ, and if so, why am I doubting right now?

Resources for Shaky Ground Moments

  • Traci is a woman on a mission to unite all believers in Christ. In her newest book, Shaky Ground: What to do After the Bottom Drops out, she discusses establishing "rhythms of spiritual practices,” so you’re secure when the bottom does drop out. We also chat about ideas on how to minister to others in “shaky times.” Listen to her podcast episode here--Traci Rhoades: Abiding in Christ, Even on Shaky Ground. Watch it on YouTube here.

  • Staying connected to Jesus Christ in moments of doubt is a powerful way to reinforce faith in times. In this episode I share six ways you can enhance your connection to Christ through writing letters, prayers, affirmations and a few other things to connect and heal. Listen to this episode here--6 Ways to Connect to God Through Writing. Watch it on YouTube here.

  • If you feel the adversary is attacking you or your family members thus causing doubt, check out this episode: How Do I Battle Temptation Effectively, where I talk about the 3 steps Jesus used to combat the adversary.

  • If you are having a shaky ground moment right now and wonder what you can do immediately, read this blog where I talk about a rock bottom moment where I learned an important lesson from God when I was ready to give up in the wee hours of the morning, "God Where are You? The Night Angels Consoled My Weeping."

If you wonder if God loves you when you doubt or when you are on shaky ground, just remember the story of the man approaching the Savior with his son who has a “dumb spirit.” The man tells Jesus, “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” (Mark 9:24). Jesus then performs the miracle and heals his son. 

God sees you in your moments of doubt and unbelief and loves you! He can work miracles with mustard seeds of faith. Sometimes we need shaky moments to help us learn and remember to build more firmly on the rock of Jesus Christ. He will never fail us.

Religious leader Dieter F. Uchtdorf reminds all of us to also, "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.” 

So, in shaky times of doubt when you feel like an earthquake has hit suddenly, bury yourself in the arms of the Savior—remembering why you believe and knowing He can and will still work miracles in your life. 

He loves you perfectly!

Hope on!


Tamara Anderson