How Can the Holy Ghost Help You Daily?

In one of Jesus Christ’s final discourses to His disciples before His death, he talked a lot about the “Comforter” or the Holy Ghost which would “comfort,” “testify,” “guide,” and “shew you things to come” (John 15 & 16).

I don’t know about you, but I could sure use a little bit of comfort, guidance and testimony of God’s love in my life on a daily basis.—especially if I am feeling discouraged, depressed or confused. Can you relate?

It feels like the world is weighing increasingly heavy with challenges world-wide. And I feel like I need God’s love and presence more and more in my life to buoy me up and help me remember who I am as a child of God, get guidance with heavy trials, or simply to comfort me when I am feeling blue.

Resources to Help You Tap into the Holy Ghost

  • Liz began struggling with mental health issues after a pregnancy, and really needed not only medical help but the guidance of God to help her. She found great promise in studying and seeing how the Holy Ghost helps her in her life. Check out some her personal stories here: Liz Kazandzhy: 3 Ways the Holy Ghost Helps In Trials. You can watch it on YouTube here.

  • Would you like to know 26 more ways the Holy Ghost can guide you in your life? You can also get Liz’s new book, The Holy Ghost From A to Z: What the Spirit Can Do For You on Amazon here.

  • One of my favorite ways to invite the Holy Ghost into my life daily is through having a daily devotional. I talk about 4 things you can include in your daily devotionals to help you connect with God (and His Spirit) daily. Check it out at: 4 Devotional Ideas to Connect to God Daily. You can watch it on YouTube here.

Religious leader Robert D. Hales said, "When light is present, darkness is vanquished and must depart. When the spiritual light of the Holy Ghost is present, the darkness of Satan departs.”

Isn't that great? This is just like the concept of physical light and darkness. The same is true with God/the Holy Ghost and with the adversary. Satan has to depart when there is light present. And so if you're in a dark place, find God's light by inviting the Holy Ghost into your life.

Hope on!
