Has God Forsaken You?

Hello my Hope-full friend!

Have you ever felt like God has forsaken you—that you are all alone and so far from divine love? Have you or a loved one ever thought that God stopped loving you because you are so weak and make so many mistakes? Or have you ever wondered why in the hardships of life you often feel the most lonely?

It is awful to feel that way—forsaken, abandoned, lonely, and without love—especially when you are struggling.

If you or a loved one are at this point, may I recommend these resources:

Resources for When You’re Feeling Forsaken

  • When my son Jacob was in Kindergarten he watched baby chicks hatch out of their eggs. In this podcast I share the important lesson I learned watching him act this out and the perspective change I had about how God views us in our struggles (when we often feel forsaken). You can listen to this episode here: Has God Forsaken Me? OR view it on YouTube here.

  • Sheldon felt weak and abandoned by God because he felt he was always falling short. He was always making mistakes. In this episode he shares how he learned to stop listening to the negative thoughts and switch them out for the truth (and more positive thoughts). He also shares how comparing robs us of joy. Listen to this episode here: Sheldon Mills: Stop Comparing Your Bloopers to Others Highlight Reel OR watch it on YouTube here.

  • In an interview with Erin Nimmer a few years ago, she gave this powerful tip: Hold onto the little things which remind you of God’s love. In the middle of feeling angry and abandoned, Erin remembered experiences where she felt God’s love. At one point she was really in a bad dark place. She remembers laying on the bathroom floor just feeling so low. She didn’t want to live anymore. Then she had this love come over her, feeling that God was telling her how much He wanted to take it away and give her a hug, but He couldn’t. She says she also felt Him telling her that the trial would be a benefit for her and her family, and someday she would understand. She says relying on these moments has helped her. You can listen to Erin’s episode here: Erin Nimmer: Overcoming Bipolar Disorder and Postpartum Depression.

I love this quote by religious leader Jeffrey Holland, 

“So how do you best respond when mental or emotional challenges confront you or those you love? Above all, never lose faith in your Father in Heaven, who loves you more than you can comprehend. That love never changes. … It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful. God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve [it]. It is simply always there.”

So, when you feel abandoned and forsaken—remember God loves you. Remember Jesus was also abandoned and forsaken, and because He was, He can be with you and succor you in your moments of grief, sorrow, despair and especially when you believe you are entirely alone. Call on Him. He will help you. He has not forsaken you. As he says in Isaiah 49:16,

"Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands."

You’re never alone!

Hope on!


Tamara AndersonGod, love, forsaken, hope