Can One Person’s Life Make a Difference?

Hello my Hope-Full Friend!

Have you ever wondered if one life can make a difference in the world? 

What about Jesus Christ? His mother Mary? Father Abraham? Noah & his family?

I know you’re probably thinking—well yeah! Those people were like amazing, but I am just a simple person. What difference can I possibly make?

Pastor, orator and early American politician Edward Everett said, “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.” 

Can you do something? 

A simple choice to act—especially with kindness—can influence at least one other person. And then a ripple effect can happen. That person will help someone else and the cycle continues. One person can have at least a little bit of influence! And that one person can be you.


  • If you had the chance to go to heaven right now would you choose to stay or go? Haley was faced with this exact decision, but after a conversation with her sister and grandmother (who had already passed on) she was given a few powerful reasons to come back and live. Her life mission still needed to be fulfilled. Listen to here story, Haley H. Freeman: Choosing Life After Anorexia Killed Me. You can watch it on YouTube here. Haley also wrote a little bit of her story in a guest blog you can read here: Tips for Surviving an Eating Disorder.

  • Guest Blogger Traci shared this sweet story on my blog this past week about the influence one amazing woman had on her mother’s testimony (which then influenced her family for years to come.) Read her incredible story here--Testimony: How a Stranger's Faith Influenced Mine.

  • Need a little more healing of the soul in your life? Think of the impact Jesus has had for each of us. As I was pondering healing last year, God taught me some powerful truths which I quickly wrote down so I wouldn’t forget them. Check them out here: Connecting to Christ For Healing. You can watch it on YouTube here.

Will you choose today to make a positive difference for someone you love?

You don’t have to be perfect to do one kind act. You don’t have to have a perfect circumstance nor a problem-free life to help someone else. Your life—and your ability to overcome challenges with minute-to-minute courage can and will have a positive impact on those watching you.

You are courageous, brave, faithful and exemplary!

Choose to make a difference today and trust God will allow that ripple effect of kindness to spread and make a difference!

Hope on!


Tamara Anderson