Always Be Ready....With an Answer

Has someone ever asked you a question and you don’t know what the answer is? You feel like you’re on the spot. What do you do?

I remember times when I was a missionary for my church and people would ask us tough questions. There were several times I said silent prayers for help because I didn't know how to answer them, but I knew God did. Somehow He always blessed us to be able to answer--but we had to be connected to Him and be able to hear what He was telling us to say.

I have applied this same technique when teaching classes or in motherhood. Sometimes the questions being asked are so very hard and I don't know what to answer--but I know God knows the answer.

Perhaps that is the trick--leaning on God to help us when we encounter difficult questions--Studying the question out with Him. He is always willing to help us and teach us as we turn to Him.

What answers has God helped you figure out?

#god #bibleverse #questions #answers #hope #JesusChrist #tamarakanderson

Tamara Anderson