A Little Christmas Music

I feel like I blinked my eyes and we rushed through from November to January in about one week--that is how fast December flew by. Among all those busy days leading up to Christmas we attended so many Christmas Concerts that I actually lost count. Our favorite by far was the Mormon Tabernacle Choir concert--it was fantastic! I LOVED hearing them perform "Hallelujah" chorus...it reminded me of all of my friends in Arkansas singing in the Ozark Mormon Chorale. Lots of great memories conducting that song with them.

Jordan performed with his choir and bell choir probably over 20 times in December, and then we had to throw Jacob and Noelle's concerts in there as well. Whew! I am thankful for Christmas music. It is magnificent and wonderful, and I am thankful that it reminds us of the birth of Christ, but dragging Nathan to several concerts isn't always fun. He was quite unhappy about having to attend several of them (especially with the crowds, noise and change of his schedule). Thank goodness for his apple device. I don't let my other kids have electronics during concerts...but if anyone around us is going to enjoy the concert, it is better to let Nathan happily stay on his device:).
#ChristmasConcertsAutism #autism
