Tamara K Anderson | Author , Podcaster, Speaker

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The Day God Changed My "I Can't Do it Anymore" to I Can!

By Guest Blogger Jeanie Hanson, shared with permission

Today I was reminded of an experience I had as a young single Mom with my autistic son Jonathan. Our congregation had a special fast for Jonathan that he would be healed of his affliction of autism.

And although he was not healed completely of his autism, he was healed of some of the effects of it that were a very big trial to me at the time. In other words, I was blessed because of him.

Potty training for him was very difficult and very trying for me. If I didn't catch him in time, he would have a potty failure and would smear it all over himself and his room.

One time, it got to be so bad, that I prayed to Heavenly Father and told him that I just could not do it anymore. I remember saying that over and over again until I felt a power pass through my entire body from my feet to my head. When it reached my head, I felt totally renewed and knew I could not say I can't do it anymore because I knew that I could.

I am so grateful for this experience with my son Jonathan because it gave me a testimony of the enabling power of our Savior! Can't wait to see my Jonathan again and thank him for the experience of being his mother.