Tamara K Anderson | Author , Podcaster, Speaker

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God Where are You? The Night Angels Consoled My Weeping

Where is God in hard times? Where is He when viruses, earthquakes and war are sweeping through the world? Doesn’t He know? Doesn’t He care? Is He really there?

May I share a few of the lessons I learned going through a hard time which I have since applied in ensuing life challenges?

The Longest Night of My Life

One night our son Nathan (who has low-functioning autism and cannot communicate well verbally) was up around 2:00 am screaming. The problem was he didn’t calm down as he usually did. It was awful! He wouldn’t be consoled. We tried pain medication, prayers, and distractions.

Nothing worked.

Hours later, my pleading prayers turned to desperate sobs. God, We have tried everything and nothing is working. I don’t know what to pray for, but we need help.

A thought popped into my mind--pray for angels.

I immediately asked for every deceased ancestor I could think of--begging and pleading they would come, calm Nathan, and help me endure.

It ended up being one of the most spiritual experiences of my life. I never saw the angels, but I felt them. There was a peace, comfort, and love which finally calmed Nathan.

Lesson 1. God and Angels are Real

I know skeptics might criticize, but I have no doubt angels were with us. God turned my nightmare into one of the most peaceful events of my life.

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Psalm 30:5

I knew I wasn’t alone. I knew I was loved. God and His angels were there beside me on one of the darkest nights of my life. They saved me then and have helped me since. God is there and He answers our prayers--eventually.

Lesson 2. For My Good

I have often wondered how one of the worst nights of my life could become such a pivotal learning moment. As a teenager, I had a friend share a scripture with me which helped me understand this concept.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God.” Romans 8:28

To me, this meant no matter what the situation or how it came about, God could help it all turn out for my good. I am now thankful God let me reach that point of desperation where He could teach me a critical lesson. Pray for angels.

I believe God has our eternal welfare in mind, so He allows struggle so we can learn, grow and improve. He knows the "Tamara 10.0" I can become is better than the "Tamara 2.0" I am right now. I just have to trust Him as He upgrades me--even though it is painful at times.

Lesson 3. Be an Angel

After living through a minor tornado when we lived in Arkansas, I was amazed at the love and camaraderie in our neighborhood during the cleanup endeavor. We were all helping each other. That tornado brought our neighborhood closer together because we loved and served one another. We were angels to one another.

“God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs.” --Spencer W. Kimball

Maybe because you or I have passed through a hard time we can serve others with empathetic love. Pay attention to thoughts which invite you to act with kindness. I believe God didn’t mean for us to endure trials alone—we are to be angels to one another—and pray for real angels when no one else can possible help.


Where is God in hard times? Where is He when viruses, earthquakes, and war are sweeping through the world?

God is always aware, watching, and helping--although often He uses both earthly and heavenly angels to help Him. It gives us opportunities to grow, help and love.

Doesn’t He know? Doesn’t He care? Is He really there?

Yes, He is there, He knows, and He cares. In the midnight of your life, you can turn to Him for help. Be sure to ask what it is you need to pray for though--because the answer just might be angels.