Lessons I Learned Being Sick in Bed for 2 Weeks

Hello my Hope-full friends,

So, I’ve been sick in bed the last two weeks and I am finally creeping back to health. I got home from a trip and the very next day I started coughing. Basically I caught the flu and got a bladder infection at the same time. 

I can’t remember the last time I felt so tired for so long.

I would get up, eat a small breakfast and be so tired I had to go lay back down.

I’d take a shower and then have to sit for 10 minutes afterwards before I had the strength to get dressed and …. you guessed it, lay back down.

Get up, go to the bathroom, and lay back down.

I slept a lot.

I felt so weak, so exhausted. I felt completely worthless.

Bless my sweet husband, he came home from a business trip early and took care of the house plus working full time. I mean, he took care of Nathan and kept him going on his routine, he made meals (and ordered a few in). He did the Spring cleanup in our yard, which I usually love helping with the tree pruning. He kept the family going.

And I lay there and lay there feeling so dang frustrated that I felt so lame.

The soul was willing but the flesh was weak.

Two doses of antibiotics later and I am finally creeping back to health. Usually I bounce back quickly, but this time it has been very slow.

I learned a few things being down for two weeks-- There is a very real mental struggle that happens when you’re sick for any length of time. I battled discouragement and frustration daily. I am an energetic person and I wanted to so badly be up and doing, but physically I couldn’t.

So I had to turn to the things I have learned over decades of struggle to get me through hard times. These were my lifesavers these last two weeks.

Tips for When You Need Physical/Mental Strength to Keep Going

  • Taking time to connect to God via prayer and scripture study daily. He got to hear all about my frustrations, but I also took time to thank Him—even praying in the middle of the night when I’d awake with a tickle in my throat and couldn’t get back to sleep for a while. God is a good companion in dark moments.

  • Gratitude: each day—even amid my frustration at my lack of physical health I made myself name a few of things I was thankful for: the beautiful flowering tree outside my window; the love of a husband who did way too much for a few weeks so I could work my way back to health; a phone call from my daughter up at college; eyes that could see; a nose that could smell the sweet blossoms as I sat on my back porch for a few minutes; sunshine coming through my window.

  • Technology: I am so thankful I was able to participate in virtual church while I was sick. It helped me feel a little more with it, even though I couldn’t be there in person. I was thankful for my Kindle Unlimited subscription so I could read when I could keep my eyes open. Phone calls from loved ones and friends—it is nice to be able to talk even when you are sick with people who love you.

  • Nature: even seeing beauty through my bedroom window as I lay in my bed helped. As I got better I did go outside on my back patio to appreciate that Spring finally arrived in Utah. My husband even took me for a drive one day (and I had to go lay down afterwards), but it was good to be out and see the sky, feel the sun, and see the Spring flowers, the green grass. Nature to me has always had a healing effect on my physically, mentally and spiritually.

  • Good distractions: Sometimes when you are having a mental battle it is good to take time to do things you enjoy that will distract you from your frustration or depression. For me, my go tos have usually been reading or watching an uplifting movie, which I could do, or working in my yard or doing a fun activity, which I couldn’t do. So, I did what I could.

  • Be patient. Ah, this was so hard! I had to remind myself every day that my body was going to heal at its own pace and rushing it by doing too much would only send me backwards. As I read my scriptures this theme seemed to echo as well—some things take time and even though it isn’t fun waiting, my learning to be patient with myself is probably a good thing. And I am getting better at it the older I get.

Here are some really great verses I found on patience:

"Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.” ~Romans 12:12

"Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him.” ~Psalm 37:7

"And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope.” ~Romans 5:3-4

So my friends, as I creep back to health I am thankful for the progress I am finally making. I am setting and achieving simple goals each day. 

On Monday this week I got a shower and was able to do a super-short one block walk in my neighborhood (one block being 3 homes long by 3 homes wide). Tuesday I did a 2 block walk and was able to go get Nathan’s books from the library—I’m venturing back out again. I also was able to make dinner—finally. This morning I took my dog on a 20 min walk and am doing my newsletter. 


Wherever you are, take baby steps if you are struggling. Be patient with wherever you are and lean on God and the angels He sends to help you.

Life sometimes hits us and knocks us down. Be patient as you get back up or help others do the same.

Hope on!


Tamara Anderson